I think at one stage they excluded every AOL account...as they were getting specific trouble from a few there...
That was a fair few years ago, now...
Hey Dudes,
AGAIN.... DEVIANTART DOWN - june 17 2009
Simple thinking...
The reason is "CoolIris" a new Firefox Plugin to view 3D images flows like a gallery road. The search engine DeviantArt is baked into CoolIris plugin for you browser. So if people seach for Pictures in CoolIris under DeviantArt. hmmm....You all can amagion that to many traffic wil dump on DeviantArt's IP server CoolIris works without "pagenext" to view some next photo's. just scroll endless in rapid speed.Also DeviantArt have the plugin on serverside to let people view images into CoolIris
I hope DeviantArt will come back in short time IT'S THE BEST SIDE EVER!!!! hehe
See for youself on www.cooliris.com and how it works.It's the best overview to find images
Greetz from GrimmpyDinky
Necrothread resurrectus
Resurrected by a new user that wants to push his Firefox plug in on us...which is probably viral.
Silly me, didn't notice the date on the OP
LOL @ the name GrimmpyDinky.
Nothing like a 2 year old thread. They seemed to have it fixed now.
And I don't use Firefox.
actually, Coolris is a neat plugin. He speaketh true. I don't think its popular enough to bring DA down though by itself.